Advances in Effective Brief Psychotherapy: Strategies Relationships Communication

Advances in Effective Brief Psychotherapy is an exceptional introduction and explanation of evidence based brief therapy in the 21st Century. This work is extremely well written as evidenced by its reviews below. From theory to diagnosis, from the strategic use of emotions to initiation of strategic change and treatment, this is a ‘How To’ book for clinicians and students alike. Based on rigorously researched outcome studies completed in numerous countries, this book offers a lucid account of how and to do brief effective psychotherapy. This book will enhance your ability to successfully treat some of the most complex forms of human suffering.


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“The book is a gem… excellent… scholarly.”

– Professor Alan Carr, PhD, 
Professor of Clinical Psychology, University College Dublin

“A key text for those wishing to better understand… contemporary… therapy.”

– Professor Sean Davis, PhD, Alliant International University, California, USA

“This is a ‘God-send’… our field has been waiting for this book.”

– Dr Imelda McCarthy, PhD., University College Dublin, Fifth Province Associates

Book Details

Language: English
Print length: 123 pages